cosgen package


cosgen.algorithms module

This file contains the genetic algorithm. Any extra algorithms should be added in this file.

exception cosgen.algorithms.MissingFunction

Bases: exceptions.Exception

Error raised if the function crate passed to ‘ga’ as ‘functions’ does not contain all necessary functions for the execution of the genetic algorithm., functions, generations, nsurvive, nimmigrants, stat)

Run genetic algorithm.

This function runs a genetic algorithm on a population with the given arguments.

  • population (list of cosgen.sequence.Sequence objects) – Initial population.
  • functions (cosgen.function_crate.FunctionCrate object) – This object has to have at least a mutate and cross_over function as well as one fitness measure.
  • generations (int) – Number of generations(iterations) of the genetic algorithm.
  • nsurvive (int) – Number of survivors after each generation.
  • nimmigrants (int) – Number of immigrants in each generation.
  • stat (cosgen.statistics.Statistics object) – Logs properties of population over generations.

population – Population after genetic algorithm.

Return type:

list of cosgen.sequence.Sequence objects

cosgen.cli module

cosgen.cli.cli_algorithm(population_size=20, library_size=20, storage_path='~/.cosgen', seqlength=100, nstimtypes=1, generations=10000, survivors=5, nimmigrants=4, hrflength=30, TR=1, model_type='detection')

cosgen.cross_over module

This file contains the cross_over function. Any extra cross over functions should be added in this file.

cosgen.cross_over.cross_over(sequence1, sequence2)

Create offspring of sequence1 and sequence2.

This function creats and offspring of sequence1 and sequence2 by cutting them at a random point and merging the two ends.


Offspring for the two sequences given.

Return type:


cosgen.fitness_measures module

This file contains fitness measure functions.

exception cosgen.fitness_measures.OptimalityError

Bases: exceptions.Exception

Error raised when a optimality is not ‘a’ or ‘d’.

cosgen.fitness_measures.estimator_variance(sequence, model, optimality, contrast=None)

The optimality of the estimator variances.

This function calculates the a- or d-optimality value of the covariance matrix of the estimators.

  • sequence (cosgen.sequence.Sequence) – Sequence for which the covariance matrix is calculated.
  • model (cosgen.models.Model) – Model class providing functions for the construction of the design matrix and covariance matrix.
  • optimality (string) – Can be ‘a’ for a-optimality (trace) or ‘d’ for d-optimality (determinat).
  • contrast (numpy matrix) – Matrix containing contrast vectors as rows.

optimality value

Return type:


cosgen.function_crate module

class cosgen.function_crate.FunctionCrate
add_fitness_measure(name, function)

Add fitness measure function to object.

This method adds a fitness measure function to the object, that is used in the evaluate fitness method. The function must take a sequences as parameter and retrun a float.

  • name (string) – Name of the fitness measure.
  • function (function) – Fitness measure function.

Delete cross over function.

This methods deletes the function added using the set_cross_over method.


Delete generate immigrants function.

This methods deletes the function added using the set_generate_immigrants method.


Delete mutate function.

This methods deletes the function added using the set_mutate method.


Calculate overall fitness measure.

This method calculates the sum of the return values of all fitness measure functions added to the instance of the class.

Parameters:sequence (cosgen.sequence.Sequence) – Sequence for which the fitness is calculated.
Returns:Overall fitness.
Return type:float
static find_best(population, n)

Find n best sequences in population.

This method finds the n sequences with the highest fitness in population.

  • population (list of cosgen.sequence.Sequence) – Population of sequences
  • n (int) – Number of sequences returned.

List of best sequences.

Return type:

list of cosgen.sequence.Sequence


Remove fitness measure.

This method removes a fitness measure previously added with the add_fitness_measure method.

Parameters:name (string) – Name of the fitness measure to be removed.

Set a cross over function.

This methode sets a cross over function used by the genetic algorithm. The function should normally take two cosgen.sequence.Sequence objects as input and return a cosgen.sequence.Sequence object.

Parameters:function (function) – Cross over function.

Set a generate immigrants function.

This methode sets a generate immigrants function used by the genetic algorithm. The function should normally return a list of cosgen.sequence.Sequence objects. If the function as an argument ‘cross_over_fct’ a cross over function has to be set in advance using the set_cross_over method. The ‘cross_over_fct’ parameter is then fixed to this function.

Parameters:function (function) – Generate immigrants function.

Set a mutate function.

This methode sets a mutate function used by the genetic algorithm. The function should normally take a cosgen.sequence.Sequence object as input and return a cosgen.sequence.Sequence object.

Parameters:function (function) – Mutate function.
exception cosgen.function_crate.MissingAttrError

Bases: exceptions.Exception

This error is raised if a FunctionCrates object misses an attribute to complete the requested operation.

exception cosgen.function_crate.OverwriteAttrError

Bases: exceptions.Exception

This error is raised if an attribut of a FunctionCrate object already exist.

exception cosgen.function_crate.RmAttrError

Bases: exceptions.Exception

This error is raised if an attribut of a FunctionCrate object can not be removed because it does not exist.

exception cosgen.function_crate.WrongOrderError

Bases: exceptions.Exception

This error is raised if the functions are added to a FunctionCrate object in the wrong order.

cosgen.function_crate.partition(population, left, right, pivotIndex)

Helper function for quickselect. (Code from

cosgen.function_crate.quickselect(population, left, right, k)

Returns the k-th smallest, (k >= 0), element of population within population[left:right+1] inclusive. Implementation of the quickselect algorithm from

cosgen.immigrants module

This file contains the function neccessary to generate immigrants. Any alternative functions should be added here.

cosgen.immigrants.generate_immigrants(nimmigrants, seqlen, nstimtypes, block_size, cross_over_fct)

Generate immigrants.

This function generates ‘nimmigrants’ sequences partially consisting of a block and a random sequence.

  • nimmigrants (int) – Number of sequences to be generated.
  • seqlen (int) – Length of the sequences to be generated.
  • nstimtypes (int) – Number of stimulus types of the sequences.
  • block_size (int) – Size of the blocks in the block sequence part. Has to be a divisor of the sequence length.
  • cross_over_fct (function) – Function taking two sequences as parameters and returning one. (e.g. cosgen.cross_over.cross_over)

List of sequence according to parameters.

Return type:

list of cosgen.sequence.Sequence

cosgen.models module

class cosgen.models.DetectionModel(hrf, whitening_mat=None, err_cov_mat=None, filterfunc=<function <lambda>>, extra_evs=None)

Bases: cosgen.models.Model


Calculate covariance of estimators (betas).

This method calculated the covariance matrix of the estimators for a given design matrix. It employs pre-whitening.

Parameters:X (numpy matrix) – Design matrix.
Returns:Covariance matrix of beta.
Return type:numpy matrix

Calculate design matrix.

This method calculates the desing matrix for a given sequence. Colums of the desing matrix are a constant (ones) a linear time course and the convolution of the hrf with the sequence.

Parameters:sequence (cosgen.sequence.Sequence) – Sequence for which the design matrix is calculated.
Returns:Design matrix.
Return type:numpy matrix
class cosgen.models.EstimationModel(basis_set, whitening_mat=None, err_cov_mat=None, filterfunc=<function <lambda>>, extra_evs=None)

Bases: cosgen.models.Model

This class implements a model for estimating the hrf.

The model employes pre-whitening to account for autocorrelation for the errors. Either ‘whitening_mat or ‘err_cov_mat’ must be given.

  • basis_set (numpy array) – Array with hrf basis vetors as rows.
  • whitening_mat (numpy matrix, optional) – Whitening matrix.
  • err_cov_mat (numpy matrix, optional) – Error covariance matrix.
  • filterfunc (function) – Filter function takes numpy array as input and returns filtered numpy array (c.f. gaussian_highpass())
  • extra_evs (array-like object) – Extra explenatory variables in form of a 2D array-like object with regressors as collumns. Shapes is (number of extra evs, sequence length).

Calculate covariance of estimators (betas).

This method calculated the covariance matrix of the estimators for a given design matrix. It employs pre-whitening.

Parameters:X (numpy matrix) – Design matrix.
Returns:Covariance matrix of beta.
Return type:numpy matrix

Calculate design matrix.

This method calculates the desing matrix for a given sequence. Colums of the desing matrix are a constant (ones) a linear time course and the convolution of the basis vetors with the sequence.

Parameters:sequence (cosgen.sequence.Sequence) – Sequence for which the design matrix is calculated.
Returns:Design matrix.
Return type:numpy matrix
class cosgen.models.Model(design_matrix_func, cov_beta_func)

Retrun covarinace matrix for a given design matrix.

This method execute the ‘cov_beta_func’ given in the initialisation of the object. The parameter types and return types depend on the particular function.

Parameters:matrix (design) – Design matrix for which the covariance matrix is to be calculated.
Returns:Covarnace matrix for the given design matrix.
Return type:covarince matrix

Retrun design matrix for a given sequence.

This method execute the ‘design_matrix_func’ given in the initialisation of the object. The parameter types and return types depend on the particular function.

Parameters:sequence – Sequence for which the design matrix is to be calculated.
Returns:Design matrix for the given sequence.
Return type:design matrix
cosgen.models.gaussian_highpass(data, sigma=225)
cosgen.models.get_ICA_basis_set(TR, length, order)
cosgen.models.get_ar1_cov(dim, phi)
cosgen.models.get_bspline_basis_set(TR, length, order)
cosgen.models.get_canonical_basis_set(TR, length, order)
cosgen.models.get_fourier_basis_set(TR, length, order)
cosgen.models.get_gamma_basis_set(TR, length, order, a1, b1, a2, b2, c)
cosgen.models.get_gamma_hrf(TR, length, a1, b1, a2, b2, c)
cosgen.models.orthogonalize(A, v)

A must contain already orthogonalized vector!!


cosgen.mutate module

This file holds functions to mutate sequences.

exception cosgen.mutate.InvalidFractionError

Bases: exceptions.Exception

cosgen.mutate.mutate(sequence, mutation_fraction)

Mutate sequence with given probability.

This function randomly changes ‘mutation_fraction’ of the entires of the sequence given and returns the changes sequence.

  • sequence (cosgen.sequence.Sequence) – Sequence to be mutated.
  • mutation_fraction (float) – Fraction of sequence elements to be changed. Has to be between 0 and 1.

Altered sequence.

Return type:


cosgen.sequence module

exception cosgen.sequence.BlockSizeError

Bases: exceptions.Exception

class cosgen.sequence.Sequence(seqlen=None, nstimtypes=1, seqtype='random', l=None, block_size=None)
dump(path, index=0, TR=1)
cosgen.sequence.estimate_optimal_block_size(seqlen, fc)

cosgen.statistics module

This file holds everything related to logging the statistics of the population during execution of the genetic algorithm.

class cosgen.statistics.Statistics(storage_path)

Add population statistics to log.

This function stores the maximum fitness, average fitness, and the population diversity (average hamming distance).

Parameters:population (list of cosgen.sequence.Sequence) –

Generates plot and save it. Add description of what happens if matplotlib is not there

Module contents